Recurring Payments in MLM Software

Subscription payments are inevitable in an MLM Business. The distributor has to pay a specific amount of money as a subscription charge to the MLM company at regular intervals, may it be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. The subscription amount is used to purchase products to the distributor’s account and also keeping the distributor active in the network. Failing to pay the subscription amount on the specific date, will have a negative effect on the distributor in the MLM business . Here is the importance of a recurring payment system, a Recurring payment will allow the distributor to be active in the MLM business no matter what. It is an added feature of the MLM software . It will work in a safe and secure way. This system works based on the credit or debit card of the distributor. Using this system the recruiter transfers the predefined subscription amount to the recruiter’s account using the credit or debit card that is associated with the distributor’s account. Using thi...